Providing clothes, food, and supplies to hispanic communities in need

Ana's Cleaning Services has been involved in providing donations to the needing communities of The Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Guatemala since 2017. Thanks to all of the generous contributions from our clients, we have been able to donate thousands of pounds worth of clothing, food, and essential supplies to hundreds of families in need.
January 12, 2023
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Children in the Dominican Republic showing off their arts and crafts while waiting to receive their donations.
Beginning in 2017, Ana's Cleaning Services set out on a mission to provide clothing, food, and essential supplies to dozens of impoverished communities in Latin American countries. Our mission began when one of our clients asked us if we'd be willing to take some clothes that they had outgrown off their hands. Assuming it would only be a few shirts or pants, we graciously agreed. Once we arrived, however, we were greeted with several boxes worth of clothing. It was enough to make our first full donation, all from just one client.
Unsure, at first, of what to do with all of the clothing we received, we reached out to one of Ana's old family friends from the Dominican Republic. They explained to us that several neighborhoods in their area were hopelessly impoverished, and many children were forced to walk around barefoot and with tattered clothing. Together, we came up with a plan to distribute the donated clothes to several communities in the city of Barahona.

Ana's late husband, Lazaro, placing the finishing touches on a shipment destined for the Dominican Republic -2017
A few of the donated supplies provided by one of our clients that was included in one of our shipments to the Dominican Republic.
In early 2018, after having already made several donations, Ana was invited to visit the Dominican Republic to personally distribute our largest donation yet—3 very large boxes filled with clothes and other non-perishable items.

Ana (left) serving cereal to the excited children of Barahona, Dominican Republic as they await the arrival of the donations. -2018

Our largest shipment at the time, 3 full, 100 pound boxes filled with donated goods. - 2018

After arriving in La Cienaga, Barahona, Dominican Republic, Ana was taken to a small, local community to oversee the distribution of all the donations that our wonderful clients had made.
Ana was fortunate to meet and interact with dozens of bright, and enthusiastic children as well as all the local coordinators that made sharing these donations possible.
After serving all the children their snacks and sharing stories amongst one another, the shipment finally arrived, and Ana was able to aid in its distribution.
Ana waiting alongside a group of children in Barahona, Dominican Republic after serving them snacks.

In 2021, our wonderful operations manager, Angelica, alongside the assistance of several of our home cleaners were able to establish a point of contact in Mexico to also begin sending our donations to the needing communities there as well. Through their combined efforts, we were able to raise money to pay for the shipping costs of our first delivery to Mexico, which due to more stringent regulations, higher insurance costs, and larger minimum shipment sizes, is several times what's required for the Dominican Republic. We were able to finally fill up our shipment to Mexico in June of 2021, and had it sent and delivered by July of that same year.

Angelica preparing all of the donated supplies and clothing for our first shipment to Mexico.

Excited children happily distributing the donations they received.

Shipment to Mexico is ready to go! Thanks to all of our wonderful clients donations.

In August, the shipment arrived to the Mexican state of Campeche, where it was received by our point of contact to be distributed amongst the needing families and children in the neighborhood. The families of Campeche extend their sincerest gratitudes to all of our amazing clients who contributed to the shipment and sent us their donations.

The families of Mexico send their many thanks.
In early February, 2022, we were able to establish a third point of contact in Guatemala, thanks to the help of one of our home cleaning professionals, also named Ana. Throughout the entire month of February we received enough donations to send a full package of donated goods and supplies to a needing family in Guatemala. The shipment was prepared and sent by Ana to Guatemala in March, 2022. As of March 17, the shipment is still en route to Guatemala and is expected to arrive sometime in Early April.

All of these donations were made by just one of our clients!

3 full boxes of donations to be split between The Dominican Republic and Guatemala

Shipment has been picked up and is ready to go

All of these donations were made by just one of our clients!
On June 14, our shipment finally arrived in the hands of the needing families that were eagerly awaiting its arrival. We received a message, which included several pictures of smiling faces, from our point of contact and translated it below:
"Thank you so much and God bless your kindness. We are all so fortunate to have been blessed with all of these donations. Many thanks to you and to all of your thoughtful clients for providing us with these clothes and supplies. Words cannot express the gratitude we all feel. May you be repaid with many, many more blessings."

Donations being received by thankful Guatemalan families

Donations being received by thankful Guatemalan families

Donations being received by thankful Guatemalan families

Donations being received by thankful Guatemalan families
Anything helps! If you wish to make a clothing donation to either the Dominican Republic, Mexico or Guatemala, please reach out to us via email at info@anascleaning.com. If you wish to make a monetary contribution to help pay for shipping costs and materials, please visit our donations payment portal by clicking here